Exclusive | Shaun Britton takes a closer took at the man who helped us discover and understand our planet and all its wonders. | Journal Exclusive
Photo by bbc, Creative Commons
Sometimes fondly referred to as the ‘Grandfather of The Natural World’, David Attenborough has delivered delight and wonder for decades with his unique presentation and narration of nature documentaries, not to mention brought ecological awareness to millions.
Despite being 93 years old, he's still a source of inspiration for multitudes of children who want to get involved with studying and protecting wildlife. He is an undeniably enigmatic and much-loved presence in modern British culture.
He has played a huge part in opening people's eyes to the wonders of nature, and the reasons why we should be striving to protect it.
"The natural world is the greatest source of excitement. The greatest source of visual beauty. It is the greatest source of so much in life which makes life worth living."
During his time as Director of Programmes at the BBC, in 1969 he commissioned a unique and irreverent group of sketch writers and comedians that called themselves Monty Python. He also counts some notable fans and admirers, including revolutionary pop artist Bjork.
The pair featured in a 2014 documentary ‘When Bjork met Attenborough’ in which Bjork confessed that she saw Attenborough as her ‘rock star’ when she was a kid. Attenborough's influence seems to know no bounds................ | Read More...
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